Evaluating Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys Through …
Rhenium is soluble in molybdenum up to 50 wt.% and has been shown to improve both low and high temperature mechanical properties of the material. 11, 12 The …

Rhenium is soluble in molybdenum up to 50 wt.% and has been shown to improve both low and high temperature mechanical properties of the material. 11, 12 The …
Thermophysical properties measurements have been made on the metals molybdenum and rhenium at high temperatures and a pressure of 0.2 GPa. These measured properties include volume, temperature, enthalpy, and electrical resistivity. Values for these quantities are shown for both solid and liquid phases. In addition, sound …
The measured molybdenum and rhenium ion release rates in both steady state ( <0.01 mg/cm 2day), and inflammatory environments (0.01 mg/cm day) were far below the established FDA-permitted daily exposure (PDE) of 1,900 mg/cm2 day for molybdenum and 4,400 mg/cm2 day for rhenium. In contrast, titanium and cobalt chromium
Mo-Re (Molybdenum-Rhenium) The Mo-Re phase diagram in [Massalski2] was redrawn from [ 1980Bre ]. The shapes of the boundaries of the σ phase appeared to be unlikely around the eutectoid point [ 1994Oka ]. This problem was solved in the thermodynamically calculated phase diagrams by [ 2008Mao ], [ 2009Far ], and [ …
The results show that with the increase of rhenium content, the mechanical properties of Mo 1−x Re x alloy are significantly improved, and higher than pure molybdenum, the best properties are reached at x (Re) = 0.3125.
2005. Optimizing productivity, parts quality, reducing production costs are objectives that companies must perpetually satisfy to remain competitive. An efficient solution, but complex to implement,…. Expand. 1 Excerpt. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Manufacture and properties of molybdenum-rhenium alloys" by D. Freund.
East Molybdenum & Rhenium Rare Materials CO.,LTD is ainternational company that engaged in molybdenum, rhenium, vanadium, tungsten, chromium, manganese and other rare strategic metals smelting, deep processing, domestic and international trade over 26 years.In 2013, the company was led by the government to move into Ankang National …
Superconducting molybdenum-rhenium electrodes for single-molecule transport studies R. Gaudenzi. 0000-0002-0762-6351 ; R. Gaudenzi a) 1 Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2600 GA, The Netherlands. Search for other works by this author on: This Site. PubMed. Google Scholar. J. O. Island ...
The measured molybdenum and rhenium ion release rates in both steady state (<0.01 μg/cm 2 day), and inflammatory environments (0.01 μg/cm 2 day) were far below the established FDA-permitted daily exposure (PDE) of 1,900 μg/cm 2 day for molybdenum and 4,400 μg/cm 2 day for rhenium. In contrast, titanium and cobalt chromium …
Abstract. Various Mo–Re alloys are attractive candidates for use as fuel cladding and core structural materials in spacecraft reactor applications. Molybdenum alloys with rhenium contents of 41–47.5% (wt%), in particular, have good creep resistance and ductility in both base metal and weldments. However, irradiation-induced changes …
Molybdenum–rhenium alloys have a lower ductile-to-brittle transition temperature than molybdenum, which is advantageous in applications requiring improved room temperature ductility or impact toughness. However, at high temperatures rhenium strengthens molybdenum only slightly. ... This results in local yielding (i.e. plastic …
Molybdenite is the world's principal source of rhenium (Re), a critical element in multiple high-tech applications. However, the Re contents in molybdenite …
The effect of the rhenium addition to molybdenum in powder metallurgy sheet product near and exceeding the saturation point of rhenium in molybdenum was investigated. Alloys of 41,44.5, 47.5 and ...
1. Introduction. Rhenium is a strategically important metal. It is well known that the addition of rhenium to molybdenum can improve room-temperature plasticity, increase recrystallization temperature, and decrease the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of Mo-Re solid solution alloys [[1], [2], [3]].This phenomenon, known as the …
Electrical and superconducting properties of rhenium and molybdenum films prepared by electron beam evaporation have been measured as a function of substrate temperature, film thickness, and substrate material. The films were prepared at residual pressures of 5×10 −8 Torr.
1. Platinum-rhenium Alloy. Platinum-rhenium alloy is a binary alloy based on platinum and added with rhenium. There are two kinds of platinum-rhenium alloys: PtRe8 and PtRel4.PtRe8 is a high-temperature thermocouple material, which can be used with rhodium for an instantaneous temperature of 1800 ° C and platinum at 1600 ° C.
Molybdenum Rhenium Alloy Mo/Re bulk & research qty manufacturer. Properties, SDS, Applications, Price. Free samples program. Term contracts & credit cards/PayPal …
Article Strain Hardening of Rhenium and Two Typical Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys Manufactured by Powder Sintering was published on October 1, 2000 in the journal International Journal of Materials Research (volume 91, issue 10).
Molybdenum (atomic symbol: Mo, atomic number: 42) is a Block D, Group 6, Period 5 element with an atomic weight of 95.96. The number of electrons in each of molybdenum's shells is [2, 8, 18, 13, 1] and its electron configuration is [Kr] 4d 5 5s 1. The molybdenum atom has a radius of 139 pm and a Van der Waals radius of 209 pm.
The measured molybdenum and rhenium ion release rates in both steady state (<0.01 μg/cm 2 day), and inflammatory environments (0.01 μg/cm 2 day) were far below the established FDA-permitted daily exposure (PDE) of 1,900 μg/cm 2 day for molybdenum and 4,400 μg/cm 2 day for rhenium. In contrast, titanium and cobalt …
Molybdenum Rhenium (MoRe®) as a Biologically Superior Alloy for Foot and Ankle Implants - David Pedowitz, Selene Parekh, Adams, James Nunley, …
The molybdenum nitrido-complexes [MoN(S2CNR2)3] react with elemental sulphur or propylene sulphide to give the thionitrosyl complexes [Mo(NS)(S2CNR2)3] in high yield. The rhenium nitrido-complexes [ReX2N(PR3)3](PR3= PMe2Ph, PEt2Ph, or PMePh2; X = Cl or Br) react with half an equivalent of S2Cl2 to give the pink thionitrosyl complexes …
JOURNAL OF THE LESS-COMMON METALS 383 THE SPECIFIC HEATS AND RESISTIVITIES OF MOLYBDENUM, TANTALUM, AND RHENIUM* R. E. TAYLOR AND R. A. FINCH Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. (U.S.A.) (Received July nth, 1963) SUMMARY An a.c. bridge method for measuring the electrical resistivities of conductors …
Since Molybdenum-Rhenium (MoRe), which is a disordered superconducting alloy with a relatively high transition temperature, forms a highly transparent interface to the graphene [15] and CNTs [16 ...
The solid solubility of molybdenum in rhenium is 15 at.% at 2500 C and 8 at.% ant 900 C. Two intermediate phases occur in the system. The sigma phase has a wide homogeneity range, 52 to 71 at.% rhenium at 2400 C, and forms peritectically from rhenium solid solution and liquid at 72 at.% rhenium, 2520 C. The /sub X/ phase, with the alpha ...
Abstract. A thermodynamic optimization of the Mo–Re system by the Calphad method is proposed, taking into account new experimental data obtained in this work. According to recent crystal chemistry work, the and Frank–Kasper phases were modeled using two independent sublattices of variable occupation. This was made possible by …
This observation suggests that the carbon‑hydrogen synergistic reduction method facilitates the formation of alloyed powders, and reduces the presence of pure …
3.2 Phononic and Superconducting Properties of Molybdenum. We performed the computational study of phonon-related properties like phonon dispersion pattern, Eliashberg spectral function ((mat {alpha ^2(omega )F(omega )})), and phonon density of states (PHDoS).Figure 2a depicts the phonon dispersion and density …
Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is a leading global supplier of commercially pure Rhenium (Re), Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys (Mo-Re), and Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys (W-Re) foil. ... Local: 423.586.8738 Fax: 423.586.7456 Email: sales@eaglealloys Company Headquarters: 178 West Park Court Talbott, TN 37877
RESULTS. Under baseline physiologic conditions, the MoRe alloy demonstrates very low molybdenum and rhenium ion release rates throughout the 30-day test period. During the first time interval (day 0–1), low levels of molybdenum and rhenium ions are detected (<0.3 μg/cm 2 day) followed by a rapid reduction in the ion release …
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