University of Arkansas, Fayetteville ScholarWorks@UARK
Effect of Citric Acid on Slump, Compressive Strength, and Setting Time of Belitic Calcium Sulfoaluminate Concrete. Israel Aguilar Rosero. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. …

Effect of Citric Acid on Slump, Compressive Strength, and Setting Time of Belitic Calcium Sulfoaluminate Concrete. Israel Aguilar Rosero. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. …
Koslowski and Ludwig,[2gl investigating the effect of citric acid on the microstructural development of gypsum, con-cluded that Ca(OH), and CaC03 impurities in the plaster form calcium citrate on the plaster of Paris hindering the development of nuclei. ... With SNF superplasti- 118 Concrete Admixtures Handbook 4 .9 Admixture …
This report deals with commonly used admixtures other than those assigned to other ACI committees. Materials, such as mineral admixtures, used to produce concrete are not …
The available commercial admixture cannot provide significant improvement to the rapid setting time generated by high calcium in geopolymer system. This research …
It is an effective method to use chemical admixtures to inhibit the shrinkage of cement-based materials. Polycarboxylate plasticizer (PCE) is an important chemical admixture in cement-based materials and is widely used in practical engineering. ... The results show that the acid-to-ether ratio, sulfonic acid group, ester group, and the type of ...
In addition, citric, tartaric, and gluconic acids, and their salts, are strong retarders in high alumina cement or CSA cement [27,30, 31]. The citric acid and gluconate were shown to effectively ...
Phosphorus Gypsum (PG) based Self-Leveling mortar (GSL) is a green and efficient material for floor construction. Its hydration kinetics, rheology property and their effect on mechanical strength of hydrated GSL were crucial to its final application. This study analyzed the effect on setting time of three retarders, namely Protein Salt (PS), …
Using Citric Acid As An Admixture and It's Influence on Some Properties of Concrete. The objective of this investigation is to find the effectiveness of the citric acid as retarding …
Influence of polycarboxylate superplasticizer, citric acid and their combination on the hydration and workability of calcium sulfoaluminate cement September 2021 Cement and Concrete Research 147(1 ...
Citric Acid: 6.1 (2018) 5.61: Less: 2.52: 1 to 12 fluid ounces per 100 lbs of cement: 11/3/2025: Polychem SPC: A, F: Calcium Nitrate - Sodium Thiocyanate: ... ** When the Contractor is permitted to reduce cement content by adding chemical admixtures, the dosage of admixture shall be the dosage used in ASTM Designation C494 for qualifying …
Retarders for concrete are additives or admixtures that help retard or slow the process of hardening. Builders introduce concrete retarders in order to increase the workability of concrete to allow easier handling, placement, and finishing of concrete. ... Citric Acid – Citric acid, derived from citrus fruits, forms with calcium ions to slow ...
Citric acid was used by Xu et al. (2018) to delay the setting of alkali aluminosilicate cement, increase the rheology of the fresh mix, and control the hydration kinetics. The results demonstrated ...
development of set-retarding admixtures that are compatible ... and the hydration kinetics of the alkali aluminosilicate cement (AAC). Citric acid was added at 3% by weight of cement to
PDF | On Jan 1, 2009, Wasan I Khalil published Using Citric Acid As An Admixture and It's Influence on Some Properties of Concrete | Find, read and cite all the research you need on...
The results confirmed that tartaric acid is a powerful retarder for CSAB cement; it showed a stronger retarding effect than citric acid, sodium gluconate, borax, and molasses. A proper tartaric acid dosage (≤ 0.75 %) extended the initial setting time of CSAB cement from 5 min to up to 154 min without compromising long-term strength.
1. Introduction. As an essential component of concrete, different types of chemical admixtures have been widely applied to improve properties. Chemical admixtures enable the manufacture and construction of high performance ready-mix and also precast concretes [1, 2].This paper reviews recent developments and research on …
Nine CSA cement paste specimens were prepared with three different dosage rates of the PCE (0%, 0.1%, and 0.5% dry mass of PCE by mass of cement) and three different contents of citric acid (1%, 2%, and 4% dry mass of CA by mass of cement). These dosage rates were chosen in the range commonly reported in the …
Unlike portland cements, CSA cements can use ordinary citric acid, often at doses of 0.2% to 0.4%. Straight CSA cements such as Rapid Set Cement actually benefit from moderate retardation. The structural silicate crystal growth occurs more slowly, and like old-growth wood, results in better concrete with higher strengths.
Cement and Concrete Research 2009; 39:275-282. [7] Singh NB, Singh AK, and Singh SP. Effect of citric acid on the hydration of Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Research 1986; 16:911-920. [8] Ramachandran VS. Concrete admixtures handbook: properties, science, and technology. Noyes Publications 1995. [9] Bruere GM.
Little published data is available to guide specification calcium sulfoaluminate cement (CSA) mixtures with citric acid retarder dosage rates capable of achieving adequate field working times, nor to understand the effect of retarder dosage on hydration and property development, representing a significant barrier to widespread CSA …
DOI: 10.1016/J.PROENV.2013.02.075 Corpus ID: 53999933; Development of Sucrose and Citric Acid as the Natural based Admixture for Fly Ash based Geopolymer @article{Kusbiantoro2013DevelopmentOS, title={Development of Sucrose and Citric Acid as the Natural based Admixture for Fly Ash based Geopolymer}, author={Andri …
Additional factors such as the complexation of silicate (or aluminate) may also be important. Vol. 14, No. 2 193 CONDUCTION CALORIMETRY, ADMIXTURES, CLASSIFICATION, CEMENT HYDRATION Citric acid and catechol, for example, in addition to their ability to complex calcium are also capable of complexing silica.
The setting time of alkali-activated slag (AAS) binders is extremely short, while traditional retarders of Portland cement may be invalid for AAS. To find an effective retarder with a less negative impact on strength, borax (B), sucrose (S), and citric acid (CA) were selected as potential retarders. The setting time of AAS with different …
Crystalline admixtures are also known to be hydrophilic, and they react with water and cement particles in concrete to produce modified C-S–H gel and pore …
Effect of citric acid and the hemihydrate amount on the properties of a calcium sulphoaluminate cement. The influence of citric acid on the hydration and strength development of a calcium sulphoaluminate cement was investigated. Cement pastes were prepared by mixing calcium sulphoaluminate (C 4 A 3 Ŝ)….
chosen as 1 and 2 percent; the amounts of citric acid chosen were 0. 05 and 0. 20 per-cent. In all cases percentages are given on the cement weight basis. As a further variable, the additive was either dissolved in the entire mixing water and added to the cement at the start, or the bulk of the water was added at the start and the additive,
In addition, when citric acid was used as a retarder for FA-AAM, some researchers found that citric acid did not act as a retarder but as an accelerator of the …
Polycarboxylates reduce water and benefit the concrete construction process through their molecular design. The use of chemical admixtures for enhancing concrete performance is a widely accepted practice within the concrete industry. Air-entraining admixtures, accelerating admixtures, and water-reducing admixtures are …
Citric acid is used as a flavouring in many preparations of Vitamin C, and has a wide variety of other uses. In industry, citric acid can be used to make good "natural" cleaners, though some may still contain chemicals that are not exactly natural. ... Concrete & Cement (25) Admixtures (22) Plasticizers (1) Retarders (1) Waterproofing ...
Accelerating admixtures affect th e rates of reactions between cement and water to give an overall. increase in the hydration rate. Thus, the use of accelerators in concrete provides a shortening ...
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